Many people think that nurses have relatively safe jobs. However, they face some very real risks on every shift. Hospital workers of all stripes face many hazards while at work.
Hospital administrators must ensure that these professionals remain safe while on the job. Understanding some of the more common causes of injury can add focus to the plan.
What are the most common causes of injuries for nurses?
The overwhelmingly most common cause of injuries for nurses is overexertion or bodily reaction. This accounts for around 48% of all nursing injuries. Some of the reasons for this injury include lifting, reaching or bending. This can occur in situations like patient transfers or even assisting them with their activities of daily life (ADL) tasks like toileting.
Second on the list are slips, trips and falls. This trio is the reason for around 25% of all nursing injuries. The incidents can be due to bodily fluids on the floor, water from mopping, other liquids or objects that are left on the floor.
Contact with objects, which accounts for 13% of injuries, is third on the list. Violence is fourth and responsible for around 9% of injuries. Finally, the fifth cause on the list is exposure to substances. All of these causes can be addressed by proper safety protocols.
Any nurse or nursing assistant who has suffered an injury at work should learn about how workers’ compensation can help them to get the medical care they need. Nurses who aren’t able to return to work might be eligible to receive partial wage replacement. Working with an attorney who’s familiar with the workers’ compensation laws here is beneficial so you can receive all the benefits you’re due.