Whether you work for a mail delivery service or just have to make a stop to deliver paperwork for your employer during your shift, you could be at risk of coming into contact with aggressive animals. Dogs, in particular, are common around the country and have the...

Photo of attorneys Edward G. Matheson and Michael K. Horowitz
Month: September 2021
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Can I quit my job after a work accident?
Many workplace injuries can be quickly recovered from. However, there are some cases that may cause long-lasting disability. Workers in this situation may feel it is best to quit their current occupation and seek new employment. This could cause issues if the employee...
Safety is especially crucial for those who work in labs
Many people who spend their careers working in labs are highly committed scientists, researchers, doctors and others who wouldn’t want to work anywhere else. However, most lab work comes with some serious risks. Over 500,000 people in the U.S. work in labs. Among the...