Someone who gets hurt on the job likely has a lot of immediate economic concerns. They may have numerous medical expenses that they worry about affording. Even someone with health insurance might have to pay out of pocket for a large deductible.
They also have to address the loss of their income until their medical condition improves. In theory, the Florida workers’ compensation insurance system helps protect employed individuals from extreme financial hardship if they acquire medical issues because of their work.
However, the red tape involved in a workers’ compensation claim can make it difficult for injured and sickened employees to get the support they need. Many workers rely on the assistance of a lawyer when seeking workers’ compensation benefits. How can someone without income afford legal representation?
Contingency fees make support accessible
Many lawyers require a retainer upfront before they provide legal services. A client has to pay thousands of dollars at once and may owe far more than that by the time they resolve their legal issues. For someone with mounting expenses and no current income, those arrangements are likely untenable.
Thankfully, there are lawyers who work with those who have fewer financial resources. A contingency fee arrangement is possible in many cases where someone has an injury that keeps them from working. The attorney reviews the case and determines that the client is likely to prevail and secure compensation from outside sources. They then agree to take on the case without upfront payment in return for a portion of the settlement or award.
The exact amount of the final compensation that goes to the lawyer depends on the contract they negotiate with the client and the overall amount of compensation sought. State law limits how much lawyers charge for the protection of those who need legal support during a claim. Clients only owe money when their claim is successful, and the costs of their legal support come directly out of what they receive through the claims process.
Instead of struggling through a workers’ compensation claim alone, employees may benefit from securing professional assistance when they require benefits. Reviewing their situation with the lawyer can help a worker determine their eligibility for benefits and maximize what they ultimately receive.