Whether you work for a mail delivery service or just have to make a stop to deliver paperwork for your employer during your shift, you could be at risk of coming into contact with aggressive animals. Dogs, in particular, are common around the country and have the potential to become aggressive and territorial.
If you accidentally enter a dog’s space and it happens to be aggressive, you could end up with a bite. This bite could turn serious, so it’s necessary to go to seek medical attention and, whenever possible, to make sure the animal is contained for quarantining.
Will workers’ compensation cover animal bites?
Workers’ compensation should cover any illness or injury that you suffer as a result of your job. For example, if you have to place mail into a mailbox and a person’s pet runs over and bites your ankle as you get out of your vehicle, then you were doing your job when you were attacked. Even though the owner of the pet is responsible for the injury (in most cases), your employer and workers’ compensation coverage should take over and allow you to seek medical attention.
The bite itself may be serious, but there are other aspects of an animal attack to consider as well. If that dog was carrying fleas, ticks or other bugs that bite you, then you may be able to seek workers’ compensation coverage if you have to be out of work due to Lyme Disease or an allergic reaction. Similarly, if you have to be monitored for rabies or to go through a series of vaccinations for tetanus, you may need to be off work for a few days. That time off should be covered once you meet the requirements, and you should receive a portion of your lost wages for your time off.
The best way to think about workers’ compensation is as an insurance policy that covers any potential injury at work. While there are exceptions, those exceptions are rare. If you’re hurt while in the process of doing your job, whether that’s delivering a newspaper or dropping off a package during your workday, then you could qualify for workers’ compensation coverage.