Your boss can give you assignments at work that you have to follow through on, and there is always a risk you could be injured on the job. In some industries, such as the construction industry, the risk is relatively high. But you could be injured in virtually any...

Workplace Injuries
2 common hazards construction workers face
Construction workers face significant hazards on the job. It’s up to the construction company to ensure that these workers have what they need to remain safe. This includes proper equipment, protocol and training. Some hazards are more common in construction than...
Safety is especially crucial for those who work in labs
Many people who spend their careers working in labs are highly committed scientists, researchers, doctors and others who wouldn’t want to work anywhere else. However, most lab work comes with some serious risks. Over 500,000 people in the U.S. work in labs. Among the...
Sunburns at work: If you’re outside, you’re at risk
The Florida sun is nothing if not intense. Many workers spend their days in the hot sun for hours at a time. Even if they take time to cool off or drink water, there are other risks that they could face. One of the greatest risks to outdoor workers in Florida is...
Workplace injuries are costly to Florida employees
When one kisses their family goodbye and heads off for a day's work, the last thing on their mind is getting injured or killed. Sadly, many Florida workers do find themselves in harm's way. Work-related injuries and fatalities are more than inconvenient, they are...
Why do ladders cause so many workplace accidents?
If you are unsure about the safety or suitability of any item your employer expects you to use, check the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) website. They are in charge of promoting and monitoring workplace safety across the country. Ladder safety is...
Communication issues could lead to workplace injuries
You’re only as safe as the people you work with. Oftentimes, mistakes made by employees can seriously harm not only themselves but other employees. You need to know if those around you are putting you at risk. One way that this happens is when there is a breakdown in...
Why digging trenches is so dangerous
Digging a trench is one of the most dangerous things that a worker can do, often because it feels so safe. Workers often feel like the trench will hold up as they work, likely because it has held up for hours or days already. This can lead to a sort of indifferent...